A Cheesemonger's Tour de France Selection


This selection, a sort of mini cheesemonger’s tour, covers five of the main cheeses in Ned Palmer's newly released book. Each one represents its pays d’origine, expressing the physical geography of the region, or terroir. At the same time, each cheese speaks to us about the people who make it, their culture and their history; so in eating these cheeses you are travelling around France from past to present. 


250g / 500g Comté

1/16th or 1/8th Salers Tradition

1/12th (250g) / 1/6th (500g) Brie de Meaux

1 or 2 Crottin de Chavignol

1/16th (150g) or 1/8th (300g) Roquefort

Small is enough for 10+ servings.

Large is enough for 20+ servings.


*A Cheesemonger's Tour de France is only available in the specified selections